Are you a potato or a coffee bean?

Ade demonstrates snoring

It was a short evening but a good one, with plenty of willing volunteers stepping up to fill gaps in the programme left by unforeseen absences.  Ade became our impromptu Toastmaster, and did such a good job that you would have thought she’d had days to prepare rather than minutes!

First up was David K with a bard reading about how to handle adversity.  David asked us did we want to be potatoes that go mushy in hot water, eggs that become hardened, or coffee beans that enrich our environment?

Next was Gary with a speech from the Humorous Speaking manual.  In “Good News, Bad News” Gary wove us a tall tale about his battles with obesity and malnutrition – or was he just battling an incompetent doctor?  He certainly kept his audience in stitches, anyway, with his increasingly unlikely diagnoses and treatments.

Maya led a Tabletopics session, drawing out deeply kept secrets about our members.  Jennifer revealed that one of our number accidentally grew marijuana in her herb garden, Jan talked about travel planning as a cure for a stressful job, and Ade claimed that she is the only one of us who doesn’t snore!  Finally Kathy told us about the traumatic Christening experience that led to a fear of water – a fear leading its sufferer to be unable to drink water or brush her teeth!

Congratulations everyone on handling the adversity of a chaotic start, and creating a rich and successful meeting.

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